Canadian Overview
Who is the staff in the education system?
Schools includes a variety of educators - teachers, principals, vice-principals and other professional staff such as consultants and counsellors. They are licensed by the provincial and territorial departments or ministries of education.

Principals & Vice-principals
Principals are responsible for the organization and management of individual schools. They are in charge of making sure that the school is a place where all people - students, staff, parents and caregivers, volunteers, and visiting professionals - are respected, made to feel welcome and able to participate fully. They are responsible for any budget assigned to the school. They are also responsible for the quality of instruction at their school and for student discipline. One or more vice-principals may also be assigned to the school to assist the principal.
Teachers are responsible for preparing lessons and teaching students. They engage fully with students, evaluate student work and report on progress. They supervise students\' behaviour and maintain classroom discipline. They make sure that everyone is kind and respectful in the classroom and around the school, so that everyone feels welcome and can participate fully. They communicate and work with other school staff and the principal, as well as with families, to make sure students do well in school.

Other Staff
Schools have many other staff members that work every day in the schools, such as teaching assistants, office workers and custodians. Other staff members may visit schools only on certain days, for example social workers, psychologists and speech language pathologists. In each school, there are people who work there and who play different roles to help students and their families.