Nova Scotia Overview
Associations and Councils
Council on Mi\'kmaq Education
Their mission is to provide guidance and advice to the Minister of Education on the development, implementation and funding of all educational programs and services which impact on the educational concerns of Mi'kmaq people in Nova Scotia. Visit here to learn more on this council. (Read More 1)
Council on African-Canadian Education (CACE)
CACE is a volunteer provincial advisory council. Its purpose is to provide advice and guidance to the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Education about the development, implementation, evaluation and funding of educational programs and services for African Nova Scotian learners. Visit here to learn more on CACE. (Read More 2)
Black Educators Association (BEA)
The BEA was founded in 1969 to help African Nova Scotian communities develop strategies toward a fair education system. Visit here to learn more on BEA. (Read More 3)
Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority (APSEA)
APSEA is an interprovincial co-operative agency established in 1975 by joint agreement among the Ministers of Education of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. The Agreement provided for the creation of the Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority and authorized it to provide educational services, programs and opportunities for persons from birth to 21 years of age with low incidence sensory impairments. This includes children and youth who are deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, blind or visually impaired who are residents of Atlantic Canada. Visit here to learn more on APSEA. (Read More 4)
Demore \"Buddy\" Daye Learning Institute (DBDLI)
The DBDLI creates educational change and real opportunities for learners and communities of African ancestry to reach their full potential. DBDLI conducts and gives out learnings from research providing policy analysis that informs policymakers, educators, parents and the general public on how to best improve educational opportunities and outcomes for Nova Scotia learners of African descent. Visit here to learn more on DBDLI. (Read More 5)
EduNova is a co-operative industry association of education and training providers in Nova Scotia. Its mandate is to work with members to increase the profile of Nova Scotia\'s education and training expertise. Visit here to learn more on this association. (Read More 6)
Nova Scotia Federation of Home & School Association (NSFHSA)
NSFHSA, established in 1936, is an independent, volunteer, provincial organization, comprised of parents, teachers, students, administrators and others, who are interested in working together for the benefit of all children and youth, at home, in schools and in our communities. Visit here to learn more on NSFHSA. (Read More 7)
Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation (NSSAF)
The mission of NSSAF is to encourage a friendly and peaceful relationship among secondary schools of Nova Scotia through promoting athletic activities that are seen as good and thought of as encouraging and contributing to the general objectives of secondary education. Visit here to learn more on NSSAF. (Read More 8)
Provincial Advisory Council on Education (PACE)
The PACE provides advice to the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Education and serves as a voice for the needs of students, families and communities. It is made up of 12 appointed members as well as representatives from three member organizations - the Conseil scholaire acadien provincial, the Council on Mi\'kmaq Education and the Council on African-Canadian Education.
School Advisory Councils (SACs)
School Advisory Councils provide opportunities for families to raise community needs and have a say in decisions about their children\'s schools.
Computers for Schools Nova Scotia
This is a private/public partnerships that works to provide Nova Scotia schools and related institutions with computer equipment at no charge.